
Things I've made
TuxelVR avatar
3D render of an anthropomorphic sabertooth tiger with light blue fur, white stripes, pink nose, and a brown mane. He is wearing a casual outfit featuring an Hawaiian shirt and simple black shorts with yellow strings.

Sabertooth VR avatar for Tuxel! Comes with a casual shirt and shorts for the beach, and a collar and leash for special occasions. :3

3D Art, Virtual Reality — February 7, 2025

Snowstorm3D scene
3D render of a male charr with brown fur, stuck in a snowdrift up to his waist. He's not wearing any clothes except for a red eye patch. Icicles are hanging from his ears, chin, and from his raised right paw, while the other paw is held close to his body. His breath is freezing and he is covered in a thin layer of snow. There are snow banks and snowflakes all around him, and a blue winter sky in the background.

His beans froze 🥶

3D Art — February 5, 2025

Don't Stand in Red3D scene

Don’t Stand in Red - an important rule that Skarn and Kernas seemed to have forgotten here…

3D Art — December 9, 2024

Another hike through the Augsburg municipal forest, this time in December. Not quite as colorful as in the summer, but still beautiful in its own way.

Photography — December 1, 2024

Jaguar Day 20243D scene

Happy International Jaguar Day! Not all jaguars glow in rainbow colors, but they’re all excellent swimmers!

3D Art — November 29, 2024

Tk RetexturedAvatar texture update
3D render of a male anthropomorphic dragon wolf character with dark gray fur, white chest and muzzle, and bright orange highlights. He's looking up at something curiously, one paw slightly raised, with his long fluffy tail curled around him.

A retexturing commission for Takeru, based on an avatar I’ve made in 2022. Now even cuter? You decide. :3

3D Art, Virtual Reality — November 29, 2024

Skarn's Outfit3D outfit
3D render of a male charr standing on floating black rocks in a volcanic environment, with lava below and dark stone walls in the distance. The character has yellow fur with black tiger stripes, a long golden mane, and three pairs of horns of a dark purple color, covered in cracks filled with lava. He is wearing a leather harness with gold rings, dark purple armor with red edges, and padded leather shoulders, and he’s holding a katana with both hands, about to pull it from its sheath.

Part two of a VR avatar commission for Lustefan: Now Skarn has a complete outfit, including a sword! I’d say don’t anger him, but it looks like it’s already too late for that. 👀

3D Art, Virtual Reality — November 26, 2024

Stiefel JackalVR avatar
3D render of an anthropomorphic jackal with gray fur and blue eyes

VR avatar commission for Stiefel, featuring his jackal character and nine different outfits for every occasion!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — October 29, 2024

Skarn EmberclawVR avatar
3D render of a male charr standing on floating black rocks in a volcanic environment, with lava below and dark stone walls in the distance. The character has yellow fur with black tiger stripes, a long golden mane, and three pairs of horns of a dark purple color, covered in cracks filled with lava. He is wearing a dark purple loincloth and channeling fiery magic that runs from his left hand along his arm, across his chest, and into his right hand.

Part one of a VR avatar commission for Lustefan, featuring his Flame Legion charr Skarn.

3D Art, Virtual Reality — October 15, 2024

Draeneth's OutfitVR outfit
3D render of an anthropomorphic dragon with blue scales and white highlights, arms raised with bright green magic emanating from their hands. They are wearing black pants with silver edges, a loose silver jacket over a black undershirt, a necklace with three green glowing crystals, and steel bracers on their forearms and feet.

What distinguishes a professional magic user from a novice? The proper clothing of course.

3D Art, Virtual Reality — October 7, 2024

Close-up photo of a wusky fursuiter with light gray fur and blue stripes, both hands raised as if to pounce on the camera.

I organized a photoshoot with three wolf fursuiters during Eurofurence 28, on the night of the full moon (September 18).

By Rengyr, Keeya & me — Photography — September 28, 2024

Cyberpunk DJ3D scene

No dead dogs while Huxley is playing!

3D Art — September 8, 2024

Furry Fediverse Meet-UpEvent at Eurofurence 28

A chance to meet other furries from the Fediverse at Eurofurence 28.

Event — August 29, 2024

Hiking through the Augsburg Western Woods Nature Park with friends. We spotted quite a few lizards and even a snake but they were always too fast for my camera. :3

Photography — August 24, 2024

Community3D scene
3D night-time render of an anthropomorphic jaguar with black fur and glowing rosettes that run down the the sides of his body in rainbow colors. He is standing in pool of water that reaches up to his waist, surrounded by glowing particles and butterflies matching his rosettes, with trees and long grass in the background.

Surround yourself with what makes you happy.

3D Art — August 22, 2024

Plushie TravelsAlbum
Photo of a red fox plush sitting on a wooden bench next to a black "Jack Wolfskin" backpack. The backpack is decorated with various furry items: a circular "Coyote Mischief Patrol" patch, a black panther "snoot boop" pin, and a steel keychain thingy in the shape of a sitting fox. There's a large cornfield in the background.

The adventures of my little red fox plush.

Photography — August 17, 2024

Summer Raft3D scene
3D render of a nighttime scene with eight anthropomorphic characters on a wooden raft, illuminated in vibrant colors under a starry sky. All of them are wearing colorful glow rings around their wrists, ankles, and horns. Huxley, a male wolf-husky wearing headphones, standing on a raised platform behind a DJ table. Storm, a male charr with white fur and black tiger stripes standing next to Huxley, both hands raised channeling colorful magic. Ferox, a large male tiger-striped charr with brown fur wearing only a steel jockstrap, breakdancing in the middle of the raft. Drizzlebone, a male charr with gray fur, sitting to the left and enjoying a drink. Laelia, a female collie with a green and yellow fur pattern wearing a pink bikini sitting on the right, watching Ferox with her feet dangling above the water. Kianga, a male charr with brown fur and a red eye patch wearing red swimming trunks standing behind Ferox, clapping for him. Zurena, a female charr with brown fur and a steel eye patch, right fist raised, also cheering for Ferox. Garro, a large male charr with yellow fur standing on the right with his hands on his hips, watching Ferox. And finally there’s Seraphis, a large black dragon with glowing golden runes, visible in the background against the sky, flying towards group and probably about to “crash” the party.

Come join the summer raft party—we’ve got music, drinks, glow sticks, and dancing charr! Just watch out for the dragon.

3D Art — August 8, 2024

CyrisusVR avatar
3D render of a male charr standing in an autumn-themed forest environment, next to a hawthorn tree. He has brown fur with golden-yellow tiger stripes, orange eyes, a white muzzle, and a long golden-brown mane. He is wearing eight golden ear rings, two on each ear, light gray shorts, dark brown leather foot wraps, and a long red poncho with a yellow zig-zag pattern.

VR avatar commission for Cyrisus, featuring his charr weaver!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — July 22, 2024

Zee3D character
3D render of an anthropomorphic wyvern standing on a rock in a dimly lit cavern, with blue lava flowing around her. The entire scene is lit with vibrant blue and purple lights that matches her own appearance. She has blueish-purple skin, ram-like horns, a large blue mane, long fangs, and leathery magenta-colored wings that extend from her ring and pinky fingers. Glowing metallic scales run along the side of her legs, torso, and thick fluffy tail.

3D character commission for Zee, featuring her flux wyvern!

3D Art — July 3, 2024

Plush Rainbow HeartFursuit Prop
Photo of a plush heart made of short minky fabric in four diagonal stripes: red, yellow, green, and blue. I am holding it in my fursuit paws.

I love fursuit props, so Keeya and I made a little plush heart! We used the same minky fabric as the beans on my fursuit paws.

Crafting — June 26, 2024

Gay Wrath3D scene
3D render of a male charr with white fur and black tiger stripes. He's shirtless, muscular, and looking angry. His eyes glow ice blue and both his hands are raised, with a massive arc of rainbow-colored lightning erupting from them above his head.

Gay Pride is nice and all, but Storm is more of a Gay Wrath type… Happy Pride Month! 🌈

3D Art — June 7, 2024

DremVR avatar
3D render of an anthropomorphic blue dragon standing in a cave, admiring the claws on his hands. He has yellow eyes, and wing membranes that go from light blue at the top to beige at the bottom. He is wearing beige pants and a flight jacket with a dark blue-gray sweatshirt underneath.

VR avatar commission for Drem This was a cool design to work with - thank you for the commission, and I hope you’ll have a great time in VR!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — May 23, 2024

Paw Day 20243D scene

Kianga showing off his weapons for Paw Day, with the natural subtlety of a charr.

3D Art — May 20, 2024

Boing Boing Boing3D animation
3D animation featuring a shirtless charr jiggling his pecs while staring at the viewer. He is very muscular, has yellow fur with an orange mane, long brown horns, and his right nipple is pierced with a large gold ring.

With skills like that, Garro is probably the highlight of every party.

3D Art, Animation — March 19, 2024

Charr PecsArt meme
3D render featuring two shirtless and very muscular male charr looking down at the viewer with big grins. Their massive chests occupy most of the frame. The charr on the left has brown fur, yellow eyes, and a red eye patch, the one on the right has white fur with black tiger stripes, blue eyes, and barbell nipple piercings.

I’m a bit late with that meme, but…

3D Art — March 14, 2024

3D render of two male charr in an Inquest lab at night time, bathed in dark blue ambient light and strong red rim lights. Kernas, a smaller charr with dark gray fur is lying on a steel examination table, while Kaelgor, a larger charr with light gray fur and stripes, looms over him, pinning down his arms from behind his head. Their noses are almost touching and both are looking at each other with a mischievous grin. Computer consoles are glowing in the background, out of focus.

When you want to have a fun time with your mate, you can go to a nice restaurant, to a beach… or to an Inquest lab. Shh, don’t judge them.

3D Art — March 11, 2024

Kaelgor SchiVR avatar
3D render of a male charr with light gray fur, green eyes, a fluffy red mane, and an irregular reddish-brown fur pattern, holding up his right hand paw and looking at it while wearing only a jockstrap with the Inquest logo on it. He is standing in a dimly lit room, illuminated by strong red rim lights, with dark hexagonal floor tiles and metal vents in the background.

VR avatar commission for Jadaris, featuring their Inquest charr Kaelgor Schi!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — March 6, 2024

3D render of a male charr with brown fur, wearing stylish dark sunglasses and a black shirt and shorts. The lower half of each have a mesh design that shows the fur of his belly and thighs.

3D outfit commission for Taldren and his previously commissioned charr avatar, Taldir Ironblood, now ready for the summer! 😼

3D Art, Virtual Reality — March 1, 2024

LaeliaVRChat & VSeeFace avatar
3D render of a female anthro collie with a colorful design and a long fluffy tail. Yellow and light green fur with blue flower patterns and pink accents. She is wearing a pink bikini with rose patterns and round sunglasses sitting on her snout.

VRChat & VSeeFace avatar commission for Huxley, featuring his surfer collie Laelia with two different outfits. I loved working with this design, hope I could do her justice!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — February 19, 2024

ZvorkVRChat avatar
3D render of a sergal with a muscular build and white fur with black, bright blue, and green markings. He has large, sharp teeth, a long purple tongue that reaches almost to his belly, green paw pads and spikes on his shoulders, hips, back, and tail, and long green claws.

VR avatar commission for Zvork, featuring his fearsome were-sergal!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — December 19, 2023

Kianga JaguarFursuit

Fursuit for my black jaguar fursona (work in progress)

Crafting — November 29, 2023

Seraphis ZurvanVTuber avatar

3D character commission for Seraphis: my first quadrupedal dragon, as a VTuber avatar! You might also see him in VR at some point, but that’s going to take a bit more work still.

3D Art, Virtual Reality — October 24, 2023

Late Night Swim3D scene
3D render of a male charr in metallic red swimming trunks, standing in a swimming pool late at night. His hands are raised slightly above the water surface and he’s looking with a confident grin at something just to the side of the camera. There are Blood Legion banners hanging on a wall in the background, slightly dark and out of focus. Mostly blue-ish lighting with strong rim lights that accentuate his muscles.

Nothing like a quiet round in the swimming pool late at night. Too bad nobody can see him posing.

3D Art — September 20, 2023

XethinarVR avatar
3D render of a male charr with a heavy build, gray fur with tiger stripes, black shorts and a black and red t-shirt with the Metal Legion logo. He is cheering with his right paw in the air, making the metal "horns" sign. His purple revenant blindfold is rolled up to his forehead so his eyes - blue on the left, green on the right - are still visible.

VR avatar commission for Draeneth featuring his charr Xethinar with a Metal Legion outfit!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — August 9, 2023

Furry Fediverse Intro & Meet-UpEvent at Eurofurence 27
Furry Fediverse intro and meet-up

What’s all this stuff about Mastodon, Pixelfed, Firefish? What’s the Fediverse and what do furries have to do with it? Join us at Eurofurence 27 to find out!

Event — August 8, 2023

Taldir IronbloodVR avatar
3D render of a male charr with brown fur and a dense fur pattern that's a mix of cheetah and leopard spots. He's wearing short jeans and a white shirt with a yellow speech bubble on it. After a few moments, his spots begin to glow in all rainbow colors.

VR avatar for Taldren, featuring his charr Taldir Ironblood with a casual outfit. Also, disco spots!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — July 19, 2023

Firestorm3D scene
3D render of a male charr elementalist with tiger stripes and white fur, wearing only a jockstrap. He is standing in a dark rocky environment and channeling fire magic, eyes and hand paws glowing glowing white-blue, rising flames around him, and the tiger stripes all over his body glowing like lava.

While playing with a glowing fur pattern for my current avatar project, I wondered: What if charr elementalists could make their stripes glow? Because that’s totally something Storm would do.

3D Art — July 5, 2023

HuxleyVRChat & VSeeFace avatar

VR and VSeeFace avatar for Huxley, featuring his original DJ outfit!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — June 22, 2023

Auto-TypographyObsidian plugin

This is a simple plugin for Obsidian that converts ASCII typography to the correct Unicode symbols for English writing, similar to the original SmartyPants plugin by John Gruber.

Software — May 21, 2023

Paw Day3D scene

Stretch that leggy for Paw Day!

3D Art — May 20, 2023

Shirt cut meme, aka your character in different cleavage flavors. A grid with five categories: sideboob, inner sideboob, boob window, underboob, free space.

I’ve done this meme previously with Kianga, but since I never get tired of putting charr in ridiculous outfits, I thought why not do it again? Just this time with my patrons’ characters.

3D Art — May 8, 2023

Kung Fu Schi3D outfit
3D render of a male charr wearing a bamboo hat with holes made to fit his horns, and a black coat and pauldrons with gold accents over a jade green shirt and purple pants. He's holding a shining dagger in his right paw.

3D outfit commission for Kuragari, featuring a new Cantha-themed outfit for their charr Kernas Schi!

3D Art — May 5, 2023

Narrow Escape3D scene

Scene commission for Ripa, following the Branded Fight scene I created for him in 2021. Looks like Ripa and Almorra escaped—barely.

3D Art — April 12, 2023

Swapped TonicsPrompt 121: SCIENCE
3D render of two male charr standing in a dark library. The tiny charr (Yami Whitemane) on the left is holding a miniature tonic that’s glowing with rainbow colors. He’s reaching up to a the giant charr on the right (Kernas Schi), more than double his size, who is grinning and holding an orange-glowing embiggening tonic above Yami’s head where he can’t reach it.

Yami and Kernas decided to swap tonics so Kernas could be the big charr for once. Problem is, I don’t think he wants to give it back…

3D Art — March 28, 2023

Tempest BloodmaneVRChat avatar
3D render of a male charr with dark gray fur, orange tiger stripes and a yellow mane. He is wearing a combination of leather harness and bronze-colored scale/chain mail armor, based on the "Savage Scale" outfit from Guild Wars 2.

VRChat avatar commission for Zan Hyena featuring his charr, Tempest Bloodmane!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — March 27, 2023

The TrophyPrompt 120: FIGHTING
3D render of my charr warrior Kianga Snowstorm, and my patron’s charr elementalist, Ignado Flaredancer in a modern-day office environment at night. Both are in their battle outfits and facing each other as if in combat. The viewer is behind a desk with an “employee of the month” trophy sitting on it that is suspiciously shaped like a butt plug. Both charr are staring at it—Kianga with a horrified expression, Ignado with a mischievous smirk. The scene is a recreation of a similar scene from the movie “Everything Everywhere All at Once”.

I watched Everything Everywhere All at Once last weekend. Definitely one of the more memorable films I’ve seen…

3D Art — March 17, 2023

Keep ClimbingPrompt 119: EVERYTHING
3D render of a shirtless male charr (Kianga Snowstorm) climbing a steep orange cliff against a deep blue sky, with the bright sunlight accentuating his muscles. He’s looking upwards with a determined expression, holding on to the cliff wall with his left hand and foot, while his right limbs are relaxed and dangling in the air.

“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”

3D Art — March 10, 2023

HuntedPrompt 118: EVOLUTION
3D render of a massive cat-like creature with dark brown fur in a jungle environment. It’s on all fours as if on the prowl, with large horns and teeth, and black spikes growing from its shoulders. The creature is illuminated from a light source held by the viewer, and looking directly at them, as if it was just discovered. Its eyes are glowing bright green, like those of a cat at night.

You are being hunted.

3D Art — March 6, 2023

BoVRChat avatar
3D render of an anthropomorphic winged unicorn with a very stocky build, feathered wings, brown fur and hair, and blue eyes. His hands and feet are extra large and fluffy. He’s standing in a relaxed pose and looking at the viewer.

VRChat avatar commission for Buck featuring his alicorn, Bo!

3D Art, Virtual Reality, Animation — March 3, 2023

New AdventuresPrompt 117: GOODBYE
3D render of a charr warrior in full armor, looking over a fantasy landscape at night under a starry sky with blue and purple auroras. He’s standing in a canyon among loose rocks and long grass with a mysterious pink glowing tree standing higher up on a cliff in the distance. The character and foreground are illuminated by warm firelight, while the rest of the landscape is mostly dark, with the only light coming from the auroras and the glowing tree.

Sometimes saying goodbye can also be the beginning of a new adventure.

3D Art — February 24, 2023

Elemental FlexPrompt 116: FLEX
3D render of a male charr (Warrick Ashblood) with orange fur and tiger stripes standing in a dimly lit cave. He’s flexing and showing off his muscles and his elemental magic, with lightning arcs jumping between the ground, his tail, his arms, and his shoulders. The lightning illuminates the left side of the scene with a blue light, contrasting with red fire light coming from somewhere to the right.

Warrick showing off like only an elementalist can, for the prompt FLEX!

3D Art — February 17, 2023

Containment BreachPrompt 115: ESCAPE
3D close-up render of a heavily built male char (Garro Facebreaker) with yellow fur in a blue-tinted night-time environment, similar to the locked hospital ward from Terminator 2. He is standing behind a barrier made of thick vertical steel bars, two of which he has bent apart with his bare paws, snarling angrily. A red alarm light is illuminating him from behind.

I took some inspiration for this from the hospital scene in Terminator 2, except Garro deals with puny steel bars the charr way!

3D Art — February 10, 2023

Charr WheelPrompt 114: EXHAUSTED
3D render of a male charr with white fur wearing only a loincloth, looking very exhausted towards the viewer with his tongue hanging out. He’s standing in a giant steel contraption that vaguely resembles a cat wheel, except it has a much more charr-like industrial look with dozens of sharp metal segments on the outside and red painted tread plates on the inside.

Drizzlebone is trying out some new equipment at the Citadel gym! Just don’t call it a cat wheel.

3D Art — February 3, 2023

Kreeze FlaremaneVRChat avatar
3D render of a male charr with yellow-golden fur, blue eyes, and a long fluffy mane, standing in a volcanic cave and looking past the viewer with a friendly expression. His outfit: a golden wreath with green leaves on his head, a brown piece of cloth tied around his neck and shoulders and pinned together at his left shoulder with a golden brooch, large black epaulettes with gold edges on his right shoulder, a denim-colored chest piece, black leather gloves, close-fitting white pants, and black leather boots that are open in the front to leave room for his large clawed toes.

VRChat avatar gift commission for Kreeze featuring his Flame Legion charr, Kreeze Flaremane!

3D Art, Virtual Reality, Animation — February 2, 2023

Dragonjade MishapPrompt 113: JADE
3D close-up render of a male charr (Kernas Schi) standing in a dark library with mysterious, colorful lighting - bright blue/green from the left and his front, dark purple from the right and his back. Kernas is holding his left paw, which has been partially transformed into a green crystal that seems to be slowly growing up his arm. He’s staring at it with a surprised expression.

Be careful when experimenting with Dragonjade!

3D Art — January 27, 2023

EgoPrompt 112: EGO
3D close-up render of a fearsome and heavy looking ball of black steel and spikes resting on stony ground. The ball is chained to the left ankle of a charr - an anthropomorphic feline with large paws, sharp claws, orange fur, and irregular black spots, who is only visible up to their legs.

It’s easy to wield our ego like a fearsome weapon, but too often it’s more like a weight dragging us down.

3D Art — January 20, 2023

A simple web app that counts the number of characters and words in a piece of text.

Software — January 16, 2023

QuintessentialPrompt 111: QUINTESSENTIAL
3D render of a male charr with an eye patch, shirtless but wearing steel leg armor and boots. He’s standing in dark room, presumably a training area in some basement, leaning casually against a steel pipe with one foot resting on another pipe at ground level. He’s pointing at his chest with his right thumb and grinning proudly at the viewer. The rest of his armor is piled on a crate in the background.

My patron Lyca gave me the prompt QUINTESSENTIAL for this week and what can I say, humility is not a charr virtue…

3D Art — January 13, 2023

Force of NaturePrompt 110: UNSTOPPABLE
3D render of a fully armored charr (Ripa Soulkeeper) standing in front of an erupting volcano, with a giant lava flow coming towards him. Ripa is ready for battle with his sword in hand, but looks a bit lost against this “opponent”.

Even the mightiest warrior has to realize that some opponents are above their pay grade.

3D Art — January 6, 2023

TaldrenVRChat Avatar
3D render of a bipedal dragon with wings and ear fins. His body and scales are golden orange with black hands and feet and an orange light shining from his eyes, from a gem on his forehead, and between his chest scales.

VRChat avatar for Taldren, featuring his dragon with extendable wings and glowing scales!

3D Art, Virtual Reality, Animation — January 2, 2023

Collage of some of my artwork from 2022, featuring one VR avatar and one 3D scene for each month.

Some of my art from 2022: 86 projects completed in total, and looking back at some of them made me wonder… that was THIS year? It sure has been a ride, and not all of it was good, but it had its moments. I hope the next year will be a little kinder to us all.

3D Art — December 31, 2022

Out With A BangPrompt 109: BANG
3D render of a male charr (Bloodeye Lacsap) in full battle armor, standing outside at night with fireworks in the background. He is holding a giant bomb (the cartoony kind) with a lit fuse, grinning at the viewer. The bomb has the number 2022 written on it in large white letters.

This year deserves to go out with a bang!

3D Art — December 30, 2022

CompanionshipPrompt 108: COMPANIONSHIP
3D render of two male charr (Warrick Ashblood and Kianga Snowstorm) standing in an icy cave while wearing only Christmas hats and red shorts with white floof. They’re in a side hug and smiling at the viewer.

Sometimes all you need to stay warm is a friend!

3D Art — December 23, 2022

Oh DeerPrompt 107: REINDEER
Close-up 3D render of a reindeer with a glowing red nose standing in front of a Christmas tree, with a shocked expression. A charr (Garro Facebreaker) is standing behind the reindeer with a wicked grin, staring at it with a large axe in hand, its edges glinting in the light.

Oh look, a little reindeer found its way into Garro’s home to spread some holiday cheer!

3D Art — December 16, 2022

Death on WintersdayPrompt 106: FESTIVE
Close-up 3D render of a male charr (Drizzlebone) hiding in a Christmas tree with colorful lights and charr-themed decorations, including a chain and a decorative gear hanging from one of the branches. Just like a house cat, Drizzlebone looks very excited about the whole thing, with big dilated pupils.

Be careful on Wintersday, the trees might be watching!

3D Art — December 9, 2022

Freestyle MeditationPrompt 105: LOTUS
3D render featuring a male charr (Kernas Schi) with dark gray fur and a long purple mane. He is floating above a giant magical lotus flower glowing with golden light, in the middle of a quiet sea with a golden sunrise in the background. Instead of the typical lotus meditation pose, he’s hanging haphazardly in mid-air and looking at the viewer, mostly on his back with arms and legs splayed in all directions, like he’s trying to regain his balance in zero gravity.

Looks like Kernas is still figuring out how that Mystical Lotus Chair works. Does this thing come with a manual?

3D Art — December 2, 2022

Wrath of the DragonPrompt 104: SUFFERING
3D close-up render of an anthropomorphic dragon (Seraphis Zurvan) staring down at the viewer, sparks and flames coming from his muzzle. He’s holding a vicious looking dagger in his right hand that glows with magical energy.

Whatever you just did, you’re going to regret it…

3D Art — November 18, 2022

SharkeyVRChat Avatar
3D render of a male charr with dark brown fur and white markings on his face and chest. He has a friendly expression and is wearing cozy beige pants and a turquoise shirt that matches the color of his eyes.

VRChat avatar commission for Sharkey, featuring his charr with the same name!

3D Art, Virtual Reality, Animation — November 17, 2022

AftermathPrompt 103: FEAST
3D render of a male charr (Skarr Blacksnow) lying on a large table with empty plates and little scraps of food all around him. He’s half passed out, still holding a meat drumstick in his right paw dangling from the table.

Looks like you missed the feast. Better luck next time!

3D Art — November 11, 2022

Charr and MicePrompt 102: EMPATHIZE
Close-up 3D render of a small house mouse sitting in a charr’s giant armored paw, trying to reach the tip of his thumb claw. The charr’s face fills most of the background (slightly out of focus) as he is watching the mouse in fascination.

Since I had so much fun with that mouse game recently, I thought I’d try modeling one! Here is my patron Ripa’s charr, demonstrating that charr and mice CAN coexist peacefully.

3D Art — November 4, 2022

I wanted to do at least a little scene for this year’s Charrtober so I let my patrons pick a prompt from the list. Here is a very FURRY Kianga—my first serious experiment with realistic 3D fur. Pet that belly at your own risk!

3D Art — October 31, 2022

Ready Charr OnePrompt 101: VIRTUAL
3D render of a male charr (Bloodeye Lacsap) in a dimly lit industrial environment: concrete, rusty pipes, metal fences. He’s standing on a high-tech looking pedestal with a red glowing edge, arms held in the typical calibration T-pose for VR full-body tracking. He is wearing a VR headset and red glowing tracking devices on his hands, waist, feet, and tail. Visible over his simple black pants is a set of bright orange glowing “holographic” armor, presumably the outfit he is wearing in VR.

What kind of avatar would a charr use in VR? Himself, of course. Just with more badass armor. Lacsap trying out his new VR hardware with 9-point FBTT (full-body & tail tracking), inspired by the prompt VIRTUAL. Thank you for your support! 💖

3D Art — October 28, 2022

Charr vs. Laser PointerPrompt 100: PRESENTATION
Close-up 3D render of a charr (Warrick Ashblood) with dilated pupils, staring intensely at the red dot of a laser pointer just in front of his nose.

Management tip: If you’re holding a presentation for charr, using laser pointers is not recommended. For the prompt PRESENTATION from my patron Warrick. As always, thank you for your support! 💕

3D Art — October 21, 2022

Healing TankPrompt 99: RECOVERY
3D render of a sci-fi environment, with a charr warrior (Garro Facebreaker) floating unconscious in a kind of healing tank. His axe and shield are leaning on a wall next to the tank. Everything is illuminated with green and blue-ish light.

Garro might have “blood legioned” a bit too hard, and has to take a little timeout in one of these fancy new healing tanks. For the prompt RECOVERY for my patron Tabra—thank you for your support, and have a speedy recovery!

3D Art — October 19, 2022

RatchetVRChat Avatar
3D render of a male charr (Ratchet) with a long fluffy mane and orange swimming trunks

VRChat avatar commission for Sigil, featuring his charr Ratchet in a beach outfit, and a VRChat port by Rengyr. I wonder how charr with that hairstyle look when they’re fresh out of the water…

3D Art, Virtual Reality, Animation — October 18, 2022

Pumpkin PowerPrompt 98: SPOOKY
3D render of a male charr (Drizzlebone) wearing ghostly blue glowing armor, sitting surrounded by glowing jack-o-lanterns. He is holding a smaller carved pumpkin in his right paw and his eyes and mouth glow in a bright orange. A full moon in the background reveals the outlines of leafless trees behind him.

Don’t consume too many pumpkins, or the pumpkins might consume you… For the prompt SPOOKY from my patron Drizzlebone, whose charr was already perfectly dressed for the occasion!

3D Art — October 7, 2022

HewieVRChat Avatar
3D render of a male charr with white fur, a long teal-colored mane, snow leopard spots and pink paw pads.

VRChat avatar commission for Hewie featuring his smol but very fluffy charr! I hope you like him, and have fun in VR! (VRChat port by Rengyr)

3D Art, Virtual Reality, Animation — October 4, 2022

Under the StarsPrompt 97: HARMONY
3D nighttime scene with three charr (Yami Whitemane, Ferox Blackmane, and Kernas Schi) lying peacefully in long blue-ish grass, looking up at the stars. The composition and colors are similar to a scene with Simba, Pumbaa, and Timon from The Lion King.

“Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?” Yami, Ferox, and Kernas having a peaceful moment under the stars, for the prompt HARMONY from my patron Kuragari. Thank you for your support!

3D Art — September 30, 2022

For Your TroublesPrompt 96: CONDESCEND
3D render of a bipedal dragon (Seraphis Zurvan) standing on a large pile of gold coins, weapons, and other assorted treasure, his wings held protectively over the pile. He is staring in fascination at a large number of gold coins in his right hand, so many that they’re slipping out of his hand and falling down again. His left hand is extended towards the viewer, offering them two small silver coins. For your troubles.

When adventuring with dragons, remember that once you’ve found the hidden treasure, it is considered polite to leave the dragon alone with it. For the prompt CONDESCEND from my patron Seraphis. Thank you for your support!

3D Art — September 23, 2022

Draken DarkshadowVRChat Avatar
3D render of a male charr with dark blue-ish fur in a combat-ready pose. He is wearing a leather harness, steel gauntlets, leg plates, and boots, a long beige racing scarf, and a Blood Legion banner on his back.

VRChat avatar commission for Cinogard, featuring their charr revenant, Draken Darkshadow!

3D Art, Virtual Reality, Animation — September 21, 2022

The Jaguar Glows TonightPrompt 95: ILLUMINATE
3D render of an anthropomorphic black jaguar sitting casually in a jungle environment. Brightly glowing rosettes on his body illuminate his surroundings in all colors of the rainbow.

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the jaguar glows tonight… For the prompt ILLUMINATE from my patron Lyca—thank you for your support! Want your own glowy jaguar for VRChat or ChilloutVR? He’s available from my Gumroad and Ko-fi stores!

3D Art — September 16, 2022

Charr HospitalityPrompt 94: HOSPITALITY
3D render of a male charr (Ripa Soulkeeper) in a cook’s outfit. He’s looking at the viewer, holding a butcher’s knife and standing in front of a grill with a large chunk of red meat on it, the light from the fire illuminating everything from below. There is text in New Krytan on his apron that means “some must cook, so that all can eat”.

Charr may not have the most refined hospitality, but their cooking skill makes up for it… as long as you don’t mind steak. Lots of it.

3D Art — September 9, 2022

Want a Rematch?Prompt 93: GAMBLE
First-person 3D render with a male charr (Bloodeye Lacsap) sitting at a poker table in his casual Blood Legion outfit, looking at you. Rows of playing cards with a Blood Legion design lie in front of both players, and a large pile of gold and silver coins sits in the middle of the table. Lacsap has his right paw held possessively around six large stacks of coins that belong to him, while you only have three meager coins left. His expression suggests that the pile of coins in the middle also belongs to him now, and a the shiny blade of a knife lying in front of you hints that the next round of this game might happen in a slightly more “charr” fashion.

Don’t worry—when charr play, the second round is usually a lot more fun, and doesn’t involve cards. For the prompt GAMBLING from my patron Lacsap. Thank you for your support!

3D Art — September 1, 2022

Wan Shi TongVRChat Avatar
3D render of a male charr (Wan Shi Tong) in a martial arts pose, looking towards the right. He has black fur with white hands and feet, golden eyes, horns similar to a ram, and long, dark, braided hair, and is wearing the Infused Samurai Outfit from Guild Wars 2: steel armor with red paint and yellow glowing accents, held together by thick yellow cords, and with dark red leather underneath.

Second part of a VRChat avatar commission for Red, featuring his charr renegade, Wan Shi Tong wearing the Infused Samurai Outfit. The VRChat port was done by Rengyr.

3D Art, Virtual Reality, Animation — August 30, 2022

Grothmar NightPrompt 92: NOSTALGIA
3D render of a charr (Warrick Ashblood) sitting at the Blood Lagoon in Grothmar Valley at night time, next to long grass, his feet half resting in shallow water. He’s holding a steel wrist band in his right paw (my interpretation of a military dog tag for charr) and looking at it, lost in thought.

“I was so young and naïve when I first received my tag. It was honestly the happiest day of my life. Then everything went to shit. But despite all that, I endured, I healed, and now I am thriving. It may have been hell but I wouldn’t change it for anything.” A little scene for the prompt NOSTALGIA from my patron Warrick, who also wrote the text for this. Thank you for your support! 💖

3D Art — August 26, 2022

He’s Gonna Be a Mighty KingPrompt 91: DISNEY
3D render of a charr cub (Garro Facebreaker), held up like Simba during the opening scene from The Lion King.

He’s gonna be a mighty king For the prompt DISNEY from my patron Tabra. This is still Garro’s original charr model, just with different proportions. I’m surprised it turned out this cute, even if a little… angry.

3D Art — August 19, 2022

Wan Shi TongSimple Outfit
3D render of a male charr (Wan Shi Tong) in a martial arts pose, looking towards the right. He has black fur with lighter grey on his chest, white hands and feet, golden eyes, horns similar to a ram, and long, dark, braided hair.

First part of a VRChat avatar commission for Red, featuring his charr renegade, Wan Shi Tong!

3D Art, Virtual Reality — August 17, 2022

Cooling DownPrompt 90: CALM
3D render of a male charr (Drizzlebone) lying half-submerged in a peaceful pond with an orange sunset in the background and trees, rocks, and long grass all around him. He’s looking up towards the evening sky, his right paw stretched out to the side (towards the camera), and his left paw laid on his chest.

Every charr has their own way of cooling down after a long, hot day. For the prompt CALM from my patron Drizzlebone—thank you for your support! 💖

3D Art — August 12, 2022

TwilightPrompt 89: TWILIGHT
3D render of a male charr (Yami Whitemane) wearing the White Tiger outfit. He’s leaning casually on his legendary sword Twilight (larger than him) and looking directly at the viewer.

Big sword for a big charr!

3D Art — August 5, 2022

Tk RobertsVRChat Avatar

VRChat avatar commission for Tk of his dragon wolf, with an optional outfit for special occasions. 😼

3D Art, Virtual Reality, Animation — August 4, 2022

3D render of a male charr warrior (Kianga Snowstorm) sitting topless on a large rock somewhere in the desert. Neither the tree nor the giant tank in the background provide much shade. He’s holding a steel canteen in his right paw, and his head with the other paw, clearly exhausted from the heat.

It’s 34 °C today and I hope you’re having a better time than this warrior. Stay hydrated!

3D Art — August 4, 2022

Combined PowerPrompt 88: POWER
3D close-up render of an anthropomorphic dragon (Seraphis Zurvan) on the left and a charr (Ignado Flaredancer) on the right doing a “modern” handshake. Glowing runes running along Seraphis’ body illuminate Ignado’s face, while a fireball in Ignado’s hand illuminates Seraphis’ face. The dragon’s left wing covers most of the background, held in a way that shields them both from the environment.

The combined power of a dragon and a charr, for the prompt POWER from my patron Ignado aka Seraphis! Thank you for your mighty support!

3D Art — July 29, 2022

3D close-up render of a male charr (Kianga Snowstorm). The left half of his face has been completely replaced with steel parts, including his fangs, horns, and hair. He’s grinning and looking at the viewer with his one remaining natural eye, the other glowing with an ominous red laser light.

He’ll need your clothes, your boots, and your catnip. Inspired by the prompt METAMORPHOSIS from my patron Lyca, I guess this is what would happen if Iron Legion and the Inquest joined forces: a charr terminator. That was fun! Thank you, Lyca, for your support!

3D Art — July 22, 2022

OutflankedPrompt 86: FLANKER
3D render of a male charr (Ripa Soulkeeper) fighting a pack of five pocket raptors in a dense jungle. He’s wearing full Vigil battle armor, except for his boots, which lie on the ground behind him as if he was just taking a break. Ripa is looking down at his feet in shock and surprise while the pocket raptors are taking advantage of the situation by snatching at his unprotected paws.

“Flanking” usually means attacking from the side, but I learned today that it can also mean flashing your ankles. Ripa unfortunately managed to get into a situation involving both. For the prompt FLANKER from my patron Ripa—thank you for your support!

3D Art — July 15, 2022